More Information About Chiropractic Care in Singapore

Chiropractic FAQs in Singapore

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A Chiropractic adjustment in Singapore is a non-surgical procedure that can be carried out by a chiropractor in Singapore using specific and controlled pressure to a misaligned joint to correct the defect.

Chiropractic Adjustments in Singapore

A chiropractic adjustment is about alleviating physical disorders affecting the bones, muscles, and joints in the body by applying pressure on the nervous system. The accuracy of the procedure restores the natural position of the joint and eases out the pain, strain, and irritation in the nervous system.

Chiropractic care, which can be obtained for an affordable cost in Singapore, is sure to alleviate your pain, improve your overall health and general well-being.

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?

Chiropractic adjustments do not involve any sharp or piercing objects during the procedure. They only require specific pressure which is gentle in nature.

Patients differ from one another and some of them report a mild soreness similar to the sensation associated with aerobic exercises in the gymnasium, but this is just a temporary feeling of the body taking its time to heal. Although, healing can still be sped up by light exercises, drinking lots of water or ice application as prescribed by your chiropractors in Singapore.

How Long Do Chiropractic Adjustments Last?

Your body's history and health would determine how long or short the treatment would go on for. The chiropractic adjustment duration depends on your body's needs and the decisions of your chiropractor.

You should be willing to discuss with your chiropractor in Singapore what is obtainable based on your body and the best procedure to go about it.

Factors in Determining Time between Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments can be proactive or corrective. Your body's needs and treatment influence the type and frequency of adjustments you can have. Also, chiropractors have their techniques they've perfected for certain defects.

Treating a common injury such as back pain or neck pain can be eased with once-a-week visits and once full health has been restored, sessions could cease entirely. But for serious injury, they will require intensive treatment, with as frequent as two or three sessions a week, to systematically heal the body back to full health.

Chiropractic arrangements can be made for athletes to maintain their body's natural bone-and-joint alignment and ease stress and pain to ensure they perform at their ultimate form.

Patients with postural strain and pain from desk jobs or harmful personal lifestyle may benefit from a regular adjustment every two, three, or four weeks to prevent associated health problems. Chronic pain problems can also be worked on by your chiropractors in Singapore.

How Long Can Each Adjustment Last?

This is entirely dependent on the results you intend to obtain and the plan your chiropractor in Singapore has tailored for it.

People seeking pain relief may find adjustment sessions last only a day or two at the most. Athletes seeking to boost performance with adjustments may undergo sessions as frequently as one month or as long as one year.

A typical plan ranges between three to six weeks before a re-evaluation or review is carried out. Your chiropractor will assess your body's reaction and adjust your treatment plan accordingly as you progress.

Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?

A chiropractic adjustment is globally acknowledged as one of the non-surgical, tablet-free procedures for the treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal issues.

And while no health treatment is without reactions and allergies, chiropractic adjustments record low complaints and adverse reactions as most patients gain immediate relief after the procedure while others experience mild soreness, stiffness, or aching as if returning from a workout session at the gymnasium. Minor discomfort or soreness following a spinal adjustment typically fades within 72 hours.

Do you have more questions regarding chiropractic? If you do, don’t doubt. Consult with us, your chiropractors in Singapore to discuss your concerns and have your all questions answered.

Schedule an appointment with us here!


11:00am - 5:00pm

11:00am - 8:00pm

11:00am - 5:00pm

11:00am - 5:00pm

11:00am - 8:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

Chiropractic Concepts

6 Eu Tong Sen Street #06-20
Singapore 059817
